Sunday, 14 June 2015

Cornish Soap Company Review

Last month I was invited to my bosses beautiful wedding in Mevagissey, Cornwall. I have never been to that part of Cornwall before and I have no idea why as it was absolutely amazing! The views from the house we were staying in were incredible and I now understand why my boss chose to have her wedding in such a wonderful setting. While I was there I went wondering to the local shops, only a two minute walk down a rather steep hill. As I was enjoying the lovely scenery, I stumbled across The Bath House & Soapery.

It looks a little bit like Lush but doesn't smell as strong which I loved, as I find Lush too over powering while trying to shop. While I was in there I had a lovely chat with the young lady working there on Sunday and she gave me some great insight to their products. She made me aware that Lush use's around triple the amount of ingredients in their bath bombs but the Bath House & Soapery use only five and then it hit me, maybe that's why it doesn't smell as strong in here! 

After asking the poor girl working there a million questions, my main one being 'can you advice me on a product I use when shaving my legs , as they are very sensitive and come out in a rash after shaving'. She advised me to use!product/prd2/3367874671/just-for-him-shaving-gel-150ml as a shaving gel, even though it says its for men I thought I would give it a go. 

Having used this for a month now, it has definitely helped with my rashes and they have gone down significantly since I have been using this shaving gel. As I am very fussy with smells another thing I really liked about the gel is that it smells incredible, it's like a light tea tree smell. 

As well as the shaving gel I was also advised to buy a sensitive body lotion!product/prd2/3367874691/wellbeing-sensitive-skin-cream-150ml this has done wonders cooling my legs down after I have shaved. It has contributed to my shaving rash going down, now I am getting less spots and irritation. I am starting to feel more comfortable about wearing skirts without tights or leggings, as my legs have seem to made an improvement.

While I was there I also stumbled across their natural and chemical free deodorant!product/prd2/3367876361/wellbeing-natural-deodorant-(aluminium-free)-50gm  which my auntie has been suggesting I use for years but I have never found one I particularly like. I have now found one!!! It comes in a plastic twist bottle but I like to put some on my fingers and then put on my under arms as I feel I get better coverage this way - each to their own though. 

I highly recommend all of the products above and they are made without chemicals and with as little ingredients as possible because lets be honest why would you need 16 ingredients when you can use five!! 

Since I have bought these products I have been trying to reduce the amount of waste I use, this means that I only recycle, reuse or compost items. As these come in plastic bottles they can be recycled here in the UK however it would be great if there was a glass bottle option for the people who are trying to cut back on the amount of plastic they use. 

To purchase these products or to view more of their range, visit the website below.

All images used in this post have been taken by myself. 
I also purchased the above products, these were not gifted. 


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