I am unfortunately one of them people who finds it hard to find new bands that I actually like & can listen to more than twice! Which some people find annoying, they don't understand why I'm into 50s,60s & 70s music so much and dislike new music so much.
It's not that I dislike new music, if I found news bands I liked then it would be fine...it is very hard thought. So here I am talking about the few new bands I like.
After watching The Who a few Saturdays ago, who were of course amazing! But their support act were surprisingly GREAT, they were up beat & energetic. This band was of course Vintage Trouble, how do I explain this band...I would say they are old school RnB style music, the singers voice is a cross between James Brown & Otis Redding (a great combo). Their music is a heavy & up beat version of RnB, I recommend listening to them. You will want to purchase their album!!
Next up is my new favourite summer band with a great new summer album out, these aren't a new band but new enough to count them! They are Primal Scream & their new album More Light is a modern take on psychedelia. The lyrics, loops, back ground music & band are all on top form which makes this album as good as Screamadellic in my eyes. A must listen to, which will quickly turn into your favourite album this year!
Now for The Moons, this album if I remember correctly came out last year & when I first listened to it I became an instant fan. This band to me is a very British band, with a very mod style of music. Something that makes you feel happy and want to dance, the perfect driving album!
Last but not least, this isn't a band and it also focuses on the old music but oh my word considering I only discovered this through someone I follow on twitter a few days ago, this is has some great pod casts on it! Hush Club is the name of the website, based in Brighton and focuses on 50s/60s RnB, Rockin' Blues, Popcorn & Ska. I have to say their pod casts are amazingly put together, a lot of the songs I've never actually heard before which makes it all the better in my eyes! I love listening to compilations for example as that's the only way I discover artists I would never usually listen to an this is exactly the same thing. The Djs from Hush Club put together these pod casts so well, listening to them makes me want to dance around the room!